I'm not sure when we'll get out of the fruit categories. Tomorrow is large lime. Today I'm trying not to do work at my desk during lunch so I am writing this a day early.
I feel good today!? I don't know why, it's kind of scary. Like a false spring.
I learned that if I take my vitamins while stuffing myself then I don't get the vitamin killer stomachache, I just feel gross and overly full. So, happy medium. No cravings either.
What a wonderful discovery! I used to look at the new "handicap" spaces for "expectant mothers" and yell "why do they get special treatment! They got themselves knocked up! Peasant women used to labor in the fields, go into labor in the fields, have the baby, and get back to hoeing. These women can walk a few extra parking spaces!"
yea, well now I get to be handicapped. This Christmas it's all about the expectant mother parking. boo-yea. Do I get one of those special license plate or a tag to hang on my rearview mirror?
People keep asking me if my dad is excited. I don't know, can Joe Winkler
ever be excited?? I can't tell what he is. He's just.... Karen's scary dad, as always. Yea what the hell. He's thrilled.
Some people keep asking about whether we are going to find out the gender of baby Baer and possible names. We will find out the gender if s/he is showing us. That will be in early January.
Chris has given up on the idea of his first-born son being named "Athanasius" (Athy for short). He also kicked around Chris Jr. for awhile, but we're not really a "junior" type family. So now he is Michael Philip, at least for now. I always liked the name Theodore, but that would mean that Chris would be constantly doing his Cosby impersonation "Theo, my boy!". Plus, he'd end up as "Teddy Baer".
The girl is a different matter. For the last several years I was determined to name a daughter Elanor, but that is slowly dimming. Now I really like Marian or Charlotte. The middle name would be Teresa, after Chris' mum.
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