Sunday, October 26, 2008

No tomato sauce!

It could be the ravioli, but I'm pretty sure the kid says no on tomato sauce in general.

I dragged Chris to St. Charles to get a 5 year wedding anniversary photo which brought up recollections of getting these photos done as a child and I thought I'd post them here. Courtesy of the TinTypery.

I should add that Chris hates doing these, but is kind enough to do some anyway. I still need to scan and post the Roaring 20s and Western picture (he really hated the Western one) that we did a few years ago. And by some miracle Chris thinks that we should do this again with our kid when s/he's a toddler, and be a 20s gangster family. Y'know, a kid with a gattling gun and a wise guy expression.


The Northern Bullet said...
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The Northern Bullet said...

I deleted the first comment because I forgot some words and it read all tardy. Anyway, I'm not sure what tomato sauce has to do with tintype but........okay. You look really cute in your profile picture. Thumbs up!

sara said...

I can't do any tomato products either! No sauce, no ketchup, no tomatos! If you can't do tomatos, don't try citrus! Trust me on this one; you'll get the same result!

Unknown said...

My that is a handsome officer