I did not expect another ultrasound on Wednesday. I had mentioned that it's hard to "feel" pregnant when you don't show and you aren't sick all the time like you used to be. The doc said he might not be able to hear the heartbeat using an abdominal scan at 11 weeks. Chris said I looked terrified, and I guess the doc wanted to calm me down or something, because I ended up getting another one.
Boy that sucker is getting huge! And it looks like the poor guy is running out of space. I think the most amazing part was watching him occasionally kick a little bit and wave his arms. Wow.
By the way, don't anyone get start yelling sexist at me. I refuse to call my baby "it", so my baby will be he, his, or him, until the January ultrasound (sometimes I refer to him as Alfonz). A gender confused girl is much easier to remedy than a gender confused boy (Chris is still obsessed with his hair, terrified of bugs, and in love with Captain Kirk, so it's taken over 30 years without a cure for him. Plus he doesn't own any tools).
Yesterday morning I fell on my bum getting out of the shower. I’m ok, and it seems baby is okay, but it was a little scary. Alfonz is small enough and cushioned enough that a fall on my rump probably didn’t even jostle him. Daddy sang a song to him when I got home in case he was still a little shaken up.
Well, here are the latest pictures. I call the bottom one the "Face of Boe" (only recognizable if you are a Dr. Who fan). At first I thought my child might be a Jawa, but it turns out I was looking at the shadows wrong. I decided that since the nose is already visible the baby must have Chris' Polish features. His large Polish nose that sounds like a foghorn when he blows it (which is quite often).
I’m not going to bother most of my coworkers with my joyous news anymore. One sweet lady said that Face of Boe looked like a blob or an alien head. Another coworker chimed in by telling me that she thinks all newborns are ugly. These are the wonderful people I work with.
You see Alfonz’s baby head and the upper par t his torso. If you have trouble seeing him, make the picture smaller. Face of Boe is best looked at small. Blowing him up only makes him harder to see.

Looks like a baby to me!
Weird that you're a mom...and super cheesy!
You gushing goober!
Hey Neighbor...so if my math is right, were you pregnant when we were chatting over the fence during the block party?? That's awesome! Big Congrats to you guys!
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