Monday, November 17, 2008

Old ladies in church

Chris and I were prodded out of our pew in church yesterday. We went to a different church than usual, and sat in one of the short pews in the back (you can get into in on both sides). We were sitting on the left side, when a lady just started coming in our pew from the left side, so we scooted down to the other side, wondering what the hell that was about. I think we stole her usual seat. She could have just gone around. Then she flashed the "peace" symbol during the sign of peace. Some people.

I am weak weak weak. I'm afraid to go to the gym and try walking on the treadmill; I couldn't even stand up in church for more than 10 minutes. I looked at all the little old ladies calmly kneeling and standing at all the right parts and felt like a complete and utter wuss.

I'm reading those silly Twilight books, and I'm going to the silly movie.

1 comment:

Melissa Gladback said...

it is not silly!! I can't wait to see Twilight :oD